About me

I’m Jaqueline, responsible for the blog. As a mother and financial professional, I feel that my current career does not bring me the satisfaction and fulfillment I seek. While I’m grateful for the work, I want something more meaningful and in line with my personal values. That’s why I created my blog, because it’s something that allows me to contribute positively to society and the world. Writing allows me to express my creativity, and to follow my heart and fulfill myself, so I can not only feel more fulfilled, but also be a positive influence on my children and those around me.

What do I do?

I have a hectic lifestyle full of responsibilities, but I always try to find time to take care of my physical health, my pets, organizing the house, studying and doing what I love most, which is dedicating myself to my blog. . To balance these activities, I plan my day carefully and strive to maintain a healthy routine. I always take the time to care for and play with my pets, ensuring they are always well cared for and in a pleasant environment. I also dedicate time to study and update myself, after all, I believe that learning is fundamental for personal and professional growth. And finally, I dedicate myself to my blog, which is a passion and a way to express my creativity and share ideas with others. While it is challenging to balance all these activities, I feel that each one is important and brings me a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

When I started?

For a long time, I’ve been looking for an activity that combines my passion for animals with something that really makes me happy. Finally, in 2023, I managed to fit writing for the blog into my routine. I believe this is a powerful way to convey information and plant seeds of awareness in large numbers of people. By sharing my perspective on the environment, I hope to inspire others to get involved in the fight to preserve the planet. I believe that every small individual action can make a difference, and through my blog, I hope to do my part in spreading this important message.

Where am I currently?

I currently live in Curitiba, the ecological capital of Brazil. This city is known for its sustainable initiatives and commitment to preserving the environment. The city has incredible parks, such as Parque Barigui and Parque Tanguá, which offer a unique experience in contact with nature. In addition, the city has an excellent public transport infrastructure, with an efficient and integrated bus system. Curitiba is also a pioneer in recycling and composting programs, which help reduce the environmental impact of urban waste.

How do I develop my tasks?

As a person passionate about animals, I dedicate most of my free time to research and reading about different species of animals. This is an essential activity for my work as a writer, as it allows me to write detailed and informative articles about the species I want to cover. Through this research, I can deepen my knowledge about the characteristics, habitats and behaviors of these animals, as well as understand the threats they face in their natural environment. Furthermore, this activity brings me great personal satisfaction as it allows me to explore the beauty and diversity of the animal world and share this knowledge with others.

Why do I do this activity?

First and foremost Respect for life, I value the lives of all living beings and believe that each of them deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. I feel happy with this mission because it is in line with my personal values, I believe that the Preservation of the environment is the responsibility of each one of us to take care of the environment and take measures to reduce our impact on the planet. Increasing ecological awareness positively impacts our role in environmental issues.

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